When configuring WP Rocket, or any caching solution for WordPress, the decision to delay JavaScript files should be made carefully. The goal is to improve site performance without breaking functionality. Here are some guidelines on which JavaScript files you might consider delaying:

  1. Analytics and Tracking Scripts: Scripts like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel can often be delayed. These scripts are important for tracking but don’t typically affect the user experience if they load a bit later.
  2. Third-Party Widgets: Widgets like social media sharing buttons, chatbots, or comment plugins often don’t need to be loaded immediately.
  3. Ads and Pop-ups: Advertising scripts or pop-up plugins can generally be delayed as they are not essential for the initial rendering of the page.
  4. Non-Essential Plugins: Any JS files from plugins that are not critical for the initial user interaction. For example, a plugin for a contact form on a separate page doesn’t need to load its JavaScript on the homepage.
  5. Heavy Libraries or Frameworks: Sometimes, heavy JavaScript libraries or frameworks that are not essential for initial page load can be delayed.

Important Considerations:

  • Testing is Key: Always test your website’s functionality and user experience after delaying any JavaScript files. What works for one site may not work for another.
  • Core Functionalities: Do not delay JavaScript files that are crucial for the website’s core functionalities. For example, if you have a dynamic menu that relies on JavaScript, delaying that script could render the menu non-functional.
  • Dependencies: Be mindful of dependencies between scripts. Delaying a script that others depend on can cause issues.

Remember, every website is different, so the best practice is to incrementally delay scripts and test the site performance and functionality after each change. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or WebPageTest can be helpful in assessing the impact of these changes on your site’s loading time and user experience.

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