A large community may have many different types of members. Some of them may belong to the same category and some other. Filtering or searching for a particular type of member is often difficult in these big communities. It would be a lot easier if we have to search for a person in only one category rather than searching in the whole community.
Thanks to BuddyPress Member Types plugin which allows you to create a member type and assign members to that category. The plugin has both free and a pro version available. Let’s take a look at both of their features.
Features of BuddyPress Member Types (FREE):
- Create/Edit/Delete Member Types
- Bulk Assign Users to a Member Type
- Mark a member type as active/inactive
Features of BuddyPress Member Types (PREMIUM):
- Assign Member Type while registration
- Assign Roles & Groups based on member types
- Custom Redirect for specific member type
- User list filtering on the members’ directory
- Single and Multiple member type profile fields
- And much more.
BuddyPress Member Types In-Depth Review
Creating a New Member Type
BuddyPress Member Types plugin lets admins assign members to their particular member types. But before assigning, you have to create member types. In order to create a new member type, follow the given steps:
- Navigate to wp-admin > Users > BP Member Types > Add New.
- Fill the information about the member type as per your preference. Also, make sure that the Member Type Status is active. You can also disable a particular member type by removing the check from this section.
- Click Publish/Update.
Assigning a Member Type
After creating a member type, you can easily start assigning members into the created and active member types. To assign a member to a member type:
- Navigate to wp-admin > Users > All Users > select Edit Extended any user.
- Here, you will be able to assign members to their member types from the Member Type metabox.
- Click Update Profile.
In conclusion, we can say that BuddyPress Member Type is the easiest way to create member types in your community. We highly recommend you to use it for better user management.
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