In a WordPress social network website powered by BuddyPress. The BuddyPress Activity Stream which records all sorts of activities. Blogs posts, new friendships, and blog comments are among the most popular activities recorded. custom components can also hook into the activity streams, meaning any sort of data can be tracked and recorded.
There are three BuddyPress Activity Stream
1.Sitewide Activity Stream : Shows all activities throughout the site or network
Select box to Show: Everything (default), Updates, Posts, Comments, New Groups, Group Memberships, Friendships, New Members)
2. Member Activity Stream: Shows the Member’s activities throughout the site.
There are tabs to chooses like Personal, Mentions ( Shows a list of all @mentions for you), Favorites (Shows a list of all items you clicked as “Favorite”), Friends (Shows Activity Streams of your friends), Groups (Shows the Activity Streams of the groups you’ve joined) with Selectbox
3.Group Activity Stream: Shows the specific Group’s Activity Stream which is the default Home tab for any group.
For all the activities the select box will set the default to “everything” to change it to something else available we have BuddyPress Activity Filter .
BuddyPress Activity Filter
Admin can set default and customized activities feed based on their types.
BuddyPress Activity Filter will also allow setting your default option for activities. You can change the default from everything to Post Updates, the site administrator can remove some specific activity types from their BuddyPress Activity. It will also allow setting your default option for activities.
By the use of the BuddyPress Activity Filter plugin, the admin can decide which activity filters are available to the site. Earlier, BuddyPress users had to delve into coding to get this sort of work done.
This plugin will enable the users to control their content in the way without using any custom codes.
1.Select the activity to set as default ( to change the everything)

2.Allow selecting the activity filter which you want to hide

1. Add Custom Post type to filter activity and the choice to display location. Whether display in Sitewide activity stream or Group Activity stream

Features of BuddyPress Activity Filter
- Customized activities to be listed on the front-end.
- Select activity to list on the activity page by default.
- Select activity/activities to hide from the list on the activity front page.
Free! BuddyPress Activity Filter
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