Today in the age of internet social media and the online social network is a common thing. It brings a lot of good things with it like making connections and links is now easier. Social networks are used by everyone from teens to elders. All type of businesses from promotion and advertisements.
To build a social network website of your own the WordPress is the best platform. It has an ultimate social network software BuddyPress which has all the features you need in a social network website. It also has ultimate forum plugins like bbpress or Wpforo which provide an easier way to create forum section in our site. The only issue with BuddyPress is that information of all the members and groups will be indexed by Google and can be easily accessed by anyone by using the links. There are some plugins to lock down WordPress pages posts. To lock BuddyPress components groups, members and ask for login before access these specific elements will work perfectly.
The complete lockdown of the site is not preferred for the community promotion and reach. The best option is to lock some components and rest open for public.
How to Lockdown BuddyPress component, pages, posts and CPT for non-login users?
The solution is Buddypress Lock plugin by Wbcom Designs. With BuddyPress lockdown, you can ask for login with a message to non login users. You can lock not only a BuddyPress component but also the pages, posts, custom post types.
How to install BuddyPress lock plugin?
You can download it from Wbcom designs site here
Upload the plugin from your site backend. Then install and activate.
Go to the settings and there you will see BuddyPress lock setting.

Switch on to allow locking BuddyPress components, custom post types and pages. You can edit the custom message on locked page above the sign in section.

Choose the BuddyPress components you want to lock down like members, groups, site-wide activity (main activity wall which shows everything happening in the site from all post updates.) etc.

Select the pages to lock down even the “blog post page (only the all posts page not any individual post)” can be lock down. I have renamed that page as “news” page.

So, that’s how you setup the plugin. Now if you can check as a non-login user you will find this

Feel free to ask your questions, review the plugin and create the ticket for bugs on Wbcom Designs site.