If surveyed, 85% of people think that visual user-generated content (UGC) is more convincing than videos or brand images. That’s why UGC is often referred to as the gold standard for marketing content.

But even though the majority of consumers trust user-generated content more than brands content, many businesses do not know how to motivate their users to create UGC. A majority of half of the people believe that brands should offer guidelines for writing reviews or other types of content, but only 16% of companies implement this. The main point here is that there is a huge opportunity for brands to make use of the power of user-generated posts on social networks.

Do you know how you can encourage your followers to create this media?

What is user-generated content?

user-generated content

User-generated content refers specifically to posts that are not sponsored or paid for that users on every social network post when they’re exaggerating about the product or service. If your friend shares an article on Twitter about a great experience with the hotel they stayed in it’s UGC. If your favorite brand shares Instagram Stories from customers at an event they held it’s UGC.

How brands can leverage the wealth of user-generated content is what makes the medium so powerful. Although it’s natural, the impact of sharing and the re-sharing of UGC can be quite significant for both consumers and brands.

UGC doesn’t necessarily mean that it explicitly mentions your product. It could also showcase values or lifestyles that are in line with your brand’s ethos and target market. Skateboard footwear and apparel retailer Vans frequently posts videos of BMX skaters, skaters and performers, and anyone who is wearing Vans’ Vans “Off the Wall” brand’s aesthetic.

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Benefits of User-Generated Content

1. User-generated content places your customers in the front

One of the most beneficial advantages of User-generated content is that it is a win-win situation for you and your readers. When you incorporate the content they create for your marketing.

  • They are letting their voices be your stories for you to hear.
  • Your marketing messages are sent out by individuals, not from brands.
  • You’re no longer marketing to your customers anymore instead, you’re marketing to them.
  • It is a chance to highlight people who have shaped your image!

2. User-generated content provides social evidence

A significant advantage of User-generated content is that it can serve as great social evidence. It is evident that content created by authentic customers improves your credibility and puts your brand’s promise into perspective.

3. Consumers believe that user-generated content is more reliable

User-generated content is evident and convincing that people of all generations and demographics believe in UGC greater. This is because it’s made by those who simply appreciate your brand. They’re seen as real and impartial. In reality, almost half (47%) of the millennials and 36% of baby boomers believe in UGC while just 25% of the two populations claim to trust content from brands.

4. User-generated graphics can complement branded content and stretch your budget!

Marketing budgets are usually stretched thin. Resources are usually scarce, which means that many marketers need to think outside the box to create more visually appealing content. Luckily, User-generated content won’t cost you a dime on your department’s budget. Since you’re getting images directly from your users on social media, there’s very little to no expense involved.

In addition, millions of people share images and videos on social media, marketers can massively access these resources. UGC is the largest growing source of video content that marketers have access to. Therefore, marketers can utilize user-generated content along with brand or paid content. The combination is effective as brand engagement has increased by an average of 28 percent when visuals created by users and professional content are utilized for promotion.

5. Utilizing UGC signifies that your brand is open to conversation with your target audience

Apart from generating conversation among your fans, brands that make a point of highlighting UGC from their fans will build a stronger connection with their customers. Your customers want to be heard the Bazaar voice study found that 64 percent of millennials and 53 percent of baby boomers would like more avenues to express their thoughts about brands.

Utilizing user-generated content in your marketing or posting it to your social networks, can cause those you’re marketing to feel heard and valued.

If you’d like to offer your members their own blog as well as an excellent writing experience. If you run a community website and want to offer users the option for blogging or to build a platform for blogging that is focused on publishing the content of your users, then BuddyPress Member Bolg plugin is perfect for your community.

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BuddyPress Member Blog

BuddyPress Member Blog

The BuddyPress Member Blog plugin allows users to create or manage their blog or posts from their BuddyPress profile. The plugin can also be used to moderate user-submitted content. You should only approve blogs when you are satisfied with you like them. Site admin can also restrict the blog’s content based on the role of the user and type of member.

BuddyPress Member Blog Key Features

  • Blog posts can be submitted directly from the front.
  • Option to allow upload in the form of posting.
  • A feature that displays posts on the profile of the user.
  • Offer the ability to post according to the role of the user or member.
  • Allow users to remove their posts.
  • Users can modify their posts.
  • Users can remove their posts.
  • The feature allows user-generated content.
  • The feature allows you to exclude or include. categories in the front-end form of a post.

General Settings

General Settings

1. Create a new post page

The plugin offers an option for creating new blog posts. The page is mapped in this field. If you’ve missed this blog, however, you can create a new one using the [bp-member-blog] shortcode and then map it to the page here.

2. Allowed user roles to create posts

This setting allows the admin of the site to limit blog postings by the role of the member. Only those with the appropriate roles are allowed to blog from the front-end.

3. Allowed member types to create posts

This option allows the administrator of the site to restrict blog posts according to the type of member. Only those who are selected are allowed to publish blogs on the front page.

4. Enable User publishing

Select this option if would like to publish your posts without review.

5. Media Management

You can enable this setting if would like to delete the media files permanently upon the demise of an associated blog.

6. Exclude categories

Choose the categories that you do not wish to feature in the post.

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Integrate Member Blog with Buddypress

Buddypress Member blog plugin is seamlessly integrated with BuddyPress. It offers a tab for the member profile page from which members can edit and manage their blogs. They may also visit any other member’s profile to read their posts.

1. Blog Post

Blog page

2. New Post

New Post

3. Profile Page

Profile Page



Social networking and blogging are in some ways related to one in that they have an identical purpose of connecting viewers to one another as well as user-generated content. These platforms for social media are trending nowadays, allowing users to communicate with each other and expand their reach by permitting users to post content. Because blogging is a way to increase engagement and conversion on the site, consider this best BuddyPress extension and let users post an article on your community website with the frontend blogger post form.

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